Identifying what drives behaviour

Our custom AI models understand WHY people buy tickets, not only who! Over 20 million artists, over 60 million tracks and over 100 data sources enable an industry leading understanding of WHY people like what they like.

Understand behaviour across hundreds of data sources

Customer data and data on past events contain valuable information about individual interests and motivations that led to the attendance of individual events.

Conventional customer databases and ticketing systems can meaningfully evaluate a maximum of 1-2% of this data potential.

Our platform decodes 100% of the data potential and thus creates unprecedented knowledge about the purchase intentions and behaviors of potential visitors. Collecting data from hundred data sources enables a one of a kind understanding of context. Competition events, artists' popularity and change in popularity over time, dancability or venue atmosphere - all play an important role in fans' decision making.

Relying on not only 10 features to undestand an event, but 1.000 is one important building block to develop custom AI models to predict future purchasing intentions of fans.

Taste Cluster

Redefining Customer Segmentation

Eliminate guesswork and discover precisely what your audience loves and how to engage them effectively. Taste Cluster is an innovative framework designed to accurately identify customer preferences without relying on outdated demographics or tedious manual segmentation. Know your customers better, target smarter, and drive results effortlessly.

From Product Description to Customer Preferences

Our Taste Cluster technology quickly transforms product features and descriptions into targeted customer insights. Simply provide key details and attributes of your product or service in plain text, and our platform instantly maps these to specific audience segments and tailored ad creatives. Identify compelling customer motivations—ensuring your messaging always resonates.
Product description
Taste Cluster 1
Taste Cluster 2
Taste Cluster 3
Taste Cluster 4

Sustainable Luxury

  • Bespoke Interior
  • Craftsmanship

Drive the future

  • Performance
  • State-of-the-art Connectivity

360° Freedom

  • Roadster Revolution
  • Exclusive Charging Lounge

Design of the future

  • Forward-thinking Design
  • Future classic

Learned patterns to find out customers

Each past event is described with 1,000 characteristics

And matched with the buying behavior of a customer number

Our AI finds behavioral patterns = Taste Cluster

Each future event is described with 1,000 characteristics

Behavioral patterns from the past are applied

AI identifies people with highest buying intentions

Leverage learned patterns to reach new customers

Gaining new customers

Our Taste Clusters are groups of people with the same interests. A Taste Cluster has followers all over the world and thus unites a very large group of people at its core. The limiting factor in events is the catchment area - but never the fact whether someone is already your customer. This fact leads to a remarkable percentage of new customers for our clients - up to 20% - especially at the beginning of a cooperation.

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Strengthen your digital independence

More independence from third parties

We support you in exercising your role in the digital world in a more self-determined manner and offer you exclusively 100% data protection-compliant products.

Our fully automated online marketing campaigns run through your in-house ad accounts on FB, Google & Co. In contrast to agency solutions, where ad accounts are often outsourced and data is lost when the service provider is terminated, with us you keep your data and learnings from the campaigns you run in-house.

With our Taste Cluster technology, only interests and never socio-demographic data of existing customers are shared with advertising platforms like FB, Google & Co.

Data-driven support for every decision

Data protection is a fundamental principle for Future Demand.
  • GDPR compliant
  • Use of end-to-end encryption
  • No disclosure of personal data
  • Regional server locations

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