88. Treffpunkt Kulturmanagement with Future Demand
Hannes Tronsberg shares industry insights on how cultural institutions can bring back their audiences after the restart in the February edition of Treffpunkt Kulturmanagement.
Although cultural venues are open again for the public, the demand for concerts and shows lacks behind the expectations of the institutions. Hannes Tronsberg, Founder & CEO of Future Demand, explained possible reasons for this during the 88. Treffpunkt Kulturmanagement and gave helpful insights on what cultural institutions could do to bring back their audiences.
Treffpunkt Kulturmanagement is a free digital continuing education offering on current topics in cultural management that aims to network, inform, and encourage discussion among interested parties. It is a joint format of PROJEKTkompetenz.eu, Kultur Management Network and StartConference.
The video on demand is available in German only.